HIEROS GAMOS - Fetish Remix CD

Debut album "FETISH REMIX" eXcentriX Rec 2006 is 3 sides digipack in CD-EXTRA form with data for PC ( Explorer)
contains this tracks : Audio Tracks : 39 minutes total 

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Debut album "FETISH REMIX" eXcentriX Rec 2006 is 3 sides digipack in CD-EXTRA form with data for PC ( Explorer)
contains this tracks : Audio Tracks : 39 minutes total
Imago Dei
V žiarivom exile/In the shining exile
V popole dní / In the ash of days
Plynutie / The flowing
Svet sa rozplynul / The world dissolved Lacrimare Sirenarum
Vyhladenie/ The annihilation
Tryzeň / The torment
É Splendor Animae

Data sheet


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