The fourth installment of the GT Archive Series is the split release by MOAN and GENETIC TRANSMISSION. Tomasz Twardawa and Rafał Sądej wanted to dedicate their music to Luigi Russolo, a composer who greatly influenced the creation of what we now call the urban music. The album consists of two long compositions, one by each project, respectively MOAN (Men at Work) and GENETIC TRANSMISSION (Przebudzenie Miasta). Although artists perform in their own completely different way, their music on this album sounds very consistent. It is worth mentioning that the first composition was a sound installation during the exhibition "People at Work" which took place at the Museum of the City of Jawor in 2004. Originally, the material was released on CDR in 2004. Today, Rafał Sądej remastered his new CD version in 2017.
The fourth installment of the GT Archive Series is the split release by MOAN and GENETIC TRANSMISSION. Tomasz Twardawa and Rafał Sądej wanted to dedicate their music to Luigi Russolo, a composer who greatly influenced the creation of what we now call the urban music. The album consists of two long compositions, one by each project, respectively MOAN (Men at Work) and GENETIC TRANSMISSION (Przebudzenie Miasta). Although artists perform in their own completely different way, their music on this album sounds very consistent. It is worth mentioning that the first composition was a sound installation during the exhibition "People at Work" which took place at the Museum of the City of Jawor in 2004. Originally, the material was released on CDR in 2004. Today, Rafał Sądej remastered his new CD version in 2017.
The album was reissued in an ecopak and is limited to 200 copies only.
'Last' is the latest Genetic Transmission album. Distributed only as a handful of CDRs a few years ago, it is only now that it appears as a regular CD release as part of the IYHHH series. The idea behind the recording of this material was to the creation of sonic miniatures, short forms created from the acoustic preparations or electro-acoustic sources...
It is hard to imagine the history of Polish industrial scene without noticing the activities of GENETIC TRANSMISSION - a project that might be considered legendary or having a cult status among quite a few, and the one that certainly has left a lot of its influence on the activity of many other artists in our country, and also inspired others to the...
The second in GT Series Archive is the album entitled "Chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie" (A beetle buzzes in the reed - a Polish tounge twister), originally published on a CDR on Tochnit Aleph in 2006. In a short time it was sold out and practically until today the material has not been available in any other form. "Chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie" is a recording of...
This release is a great opportunity to celebrate a few important matters. Well, this double-disc album has the number 200. This round number in the Zoharum catalog must have come to a special publication, which is without a doubt a 2 CD album ‘Isolate | Desolate | Mutate’ by MOAN appearing exactly twenty years after the first CD-R version of "Isolate" and...
It has become a sort of tradition that every year during first days of autumn we release at least one part out of GT Archive Series. Keeping this tradition alive we present you seventh instalment of this series that is “Strychnina”. “Strychnina” being one of the most important albums in vast Genetic Transmission discography, originally was released in...
Zoharum continues the GT Archive Series where we reissue and save from oblivion the most interesting recordings from the sumptuous discography of GENETIC TRANSMISSION, most of which appeared exclusively on CDRs in strictly limited quantities.As the third one in this series is the recording which, as the title indicates, is the effect of a collaboration...
On the album you will find recordings from two releases: "Kapuke" and "Music for Vienna Aktionists". The first part, originally released under the names Twardawa / Jankowski on MCDR, is a recording of sessions based on a large part of the prepared piano sounds and vocals. In fact, three people took part in the recording; Barbara's female voice appears as...
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