The band from Płock is back with a new album. The previous release of "Brud" (released on Requiem Rec.) already showed that there is no doubt why musicians had returned after many years of silence and that they still have much to say, thus they have a vision of their own reinvention. Today, Rigor Mortiss, thanks to the "WBREWNY" album, is pursuing the...
Apart from countless reissues and new materials by renowned projects, Zoharum searches for new faces. This time it is a duo based in the same town as the label, namely Gdańsk, called Tundra - an electroacoustic project of Dawid Adrjanczyk and Krzysiek Joczyn, whose inspiration is, first and foremost, space, both in its physical manifestation and the...
Given that it's film music it varies in style and tone. From narrative and holding in suspense electronics to some proper heavy riffage. “Klechdy” is a horror movie so don’t expect light treatment as the soundtrack is an integral part and a proper representation of what you see on the screen.
Given that it's film music it varies in style and tone. From narrative and holding in suspense electronics to some proper heavy riffage. “Klechdy” is a horror movie so don’t expect light treatment as the soundtrack is an integral part and a proper representation of what you see on the screen.
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