Kolejny krążek włochów wydany przez Old Europa Cafe. Jeden z najbardziej kotrowersyjnch zespołów z Włoch. Materiał godny uwagi!
info od wydawcy: This album is without a doubt the band's most Satanick work to date. It starts with a bunch of anti-religion synth-punk songs. Then it moves deeply farther into esoterick electronick left-hand paths, where post-industrial noises copulate with minimal-electro sounds. And then it puts a malediction (or a prayer?) on the real enemy of humanity. And ends summoning the Proud Adversary of the true evil, a ritual invocation to the only and true Light-bringer! And then again more hell to tell ... 10 songs with Italian, English and Latin lyrics. Post-industrial laptop-punk & Satanicka esotericka electronicka at his very very beAst! Well hidden inside the digipack folder come 4 full-colour pictures of astonishing oil-paintings by SATURNO BUTTO' (www.saturnobutto.com), the Italian maestro internationally known for his exceptional and superior fine-art.
Kolaboracyjny albym Reutoff oraz Deutsch Nepal. CD z katalogu Entartete Musikk.Info od wydawcy: The Bubblegum Industrial Revolution continues at Entartete Musikk with a co-operational album featuring the legendary Reutoff and Deutsch Nepal. The music have been under construction for 10 years so expect a real longtime refined product with a taste of...
Kompilacja to wynik współpracy Petera Anderssona, który zaprosił zaprzyjaźnionych muzyków, aby Ci zarejestrowali swoje utwory na podstawie dostarczonych przez niego fragmentów, strzępów kawałków oraz banków brzmień. Wśród zaproszonych znaleźl się: Horse give Birth to Fly, Brighter Death Now, Trepaneringsritualen, Raison D'être, Reutoff, Morthound, Deutsch...