JEREMIE MATHES ‎– Arkhaios 10"

Kolejna odsłona 10-calowej serii Substantia Innominata - Jeremie Mathes 'Arkhois'.

12,00 €
5 dni roboczych

Kolejna odsłona 10-calowej serii Substantia Innominata - Jeremie Mathes 'Arkhois'.

info producenta: A concept that embraces the prospect of infinite possibilities for artists to create music about the intangible such as:
The Unnameable, The Unspeakable, The Unthinkable, The Unidentifiable, etc.
Various aspects related to "The Unknown".
Sound artists and artwork designers were invited to work on the theme of the "grey matter" / the "dark continent" surrounding us & within us: Transforming this paradoxical idea into acoustic and visual objectifications."

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