Album Inner Vision Laboratory w barwach Winter-Light. 

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Album Inner Vision Laboratory w barwach Winter-Light. 
Info od wydawcy: The inspiration for this album came from different science-fiction and post-apocalyptic books and movies, but also from the artists' personal thoughts regarding mankind's condition. 
'Relics' is a musical illustration for the very distant future, where humanity has failed in its progress and moved to total annihilation. Relics are the only things humanity has left behind. Other higher advanced civilisations will come to visit our now desolate planet to collect these relics; these fading tokens of the past. They come to visit the Museum of Savages, who destroyed their own habitat and rendered their once beautiful planet uninhabitable. 
'Inner Vision Laboratory' is a musical project brought into existence by the Polish artist/musician Karol Skrzypiec. Created in March 2005, stylistically the project qualifies as industrial dark ambient. Nevertheless, it also includes elements of ethnic music, classical music, et al. 
'Inner Vision Laboratory' has released a series of albums on labels such as Rage In Eden, Zoharum, and Beast Of Prey, collaborating with other artists such as Hoarfrost, Roto Visage and Nepenthe. His other works include the highly acclaimed 'Anywhere Out Of This World', 'Perpetua' and 'Austeros'.

Winter Light

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