info producenta: "Dimensions" by Lithuanian composer Gintas K was prepared as a live-in-studio recording to be presented at ISEA2015 (The 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art) during the main exhibition program "Immersive Sound Room"; Vancouver, Canada, August 14-18, 2015. "Dimensions" was created and performed using Plogue Bidule software and various VST plugins. The plugins were assigned and controlled by midi keyboard and midi controllers. All the elements were played live and engaged with improvisation, granules, noise and the computer as instrument. Relationships are formed between composed, live playing, improvisation, and generative software. Similarly, connections are made between vintage electroacoustic, digital noise and a soft touch. CD, 2-folders digifile, limited to 300 hand-numbered copies.
LUNAR ABYSS DEUS ORGANUM oraz NEZNAMO na wspólnym wydawnictwie.
info producenta: Dendralepsya - ability to suddenly turn into a tree. Assume you're sitting home, having a dinner with relatives and all of a sudden you're all covered with branches, most often coniferous - this is it
An incredibly deep multilayered Drone Ambient with plenty of colorful patterns. A dense self-observing stream, that takes away all the dependences and rushing through an endless self-similar spheres. Mastered by Kshatriy. Full-colored six-panel envelope Vresnit & Vetvei Art.
"Barometrism" album projektu o mało znanej nazwie HATTIFNATTER, za którą ukrywa się dwóch dobrze znanych na scenie drone / ambient rosyjskich muzyków: Evgenii Savenko (Lunar Abyss Deus Organum) oraz M.M. (Kryptogen Rundfunk).
Przedstawiamy nowy album studyjny Gintasa K., nagrany we współpracy z Michelle O'Rourke i Emily Aoibheann, będący ścieżką dźwiękową do spektaklu "Sorry Gold".