Væv - Drømmenes Spejl CD

Wydawnictwo z Winter-Light. CD w digipacku

13,00 €
5 dni roboczych

Wydawnictwo z Winter-Light. CD w digipacku

nfo od wydawcy: Væv, which means "web" in Danish, explores the interconnectedness in our lives, perhaps chief among them the connection between our day to day reality and our spiritual development. These threads were woven before we entered this world; they are our world.'Drømmenes Spejl' is a rich contrast of dark ambience, sombre melodies, dark jazz, and minimalistic drones.'Drømmenes Spejl' was produced during a very turbulent time in my life. It reflects my personal journey through a depression which culminated in my family falling apart. But crisis is the mother of change. From the ashes of the World Tree, new seeds can grow. I found comfort in these pieces, and it is my hope that they may bring comfort to other suffering souls who find them. I would like to dedicate this album to the gods and people who stood by me in its making. - Væv 2021'

Winter Light

karta przedsiębiorstwa


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Ta strona korzysta z ciasteczek aby świadczyć usługi na najwyższym poziomie. Dalsze korzystanie ze strony oznacza, że zgadzasz się na ich użycie.