Lista produktów marki Reverse Alignment

JARL 'Hypnosis Colour' CD

Kolejny, już trzeci w katalogu Reverse Alignement album szwedzkiego artysty. Jedna ciekawszych produkcji w dyskografii JARLa, a z pewnością jedna z najlepszych w katalogu tego labela w 2017.
Cena 12,00 €
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SiJ & Item Caligo 'Queer Reminiscence' CD

Kolejne wydawnictwo SiJ z Reverse od wydawcy: With "Queer Reminiscence" SiJ returns to Reverse Alignment, teaming up with Item Caligo. As you can expect, "Queer Reminiscence" deliver drifting ambient to get carried away with.
Cena 10,00 €
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Trzypłytowy album wydany w barwach Reverse AlignmentInfo od wydawcy: Oleg Puzan seem to have his hands full. Not only does he frequently release under his solo alias through Cryo Chamber label but also do he have energy left to cooperate with other artists. From ritualistic dark ambient to minimalism, he has made himself a name in the scene and his...
Cena 19,00 €
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B°TONG 'Monastic' CD

Info od wydawcy: Since getting to know Chris Sigdell from a distance in 2010, sending the label a promo copy of "The Great Disintegrator", and onwards recognising the release of his project b°tong " through labels such as Attenuation Circuit, Greytone and Silken Tofu, we met up in the flesh in 2016. Since then the label invited him to master last years...
Cena 12,00 €
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MOLJEBKA PVLSE 'A Transformation' CDR

Info od wydawcy:Longtimer drone act Moljebka Pvlse, mainly headed by sound artist Mathias Josefson (Skare, Negru Pvlse), found himself travelling to Israel in 2008 to perform and to scavenge for sounds in the field with co-worker Karin Widin. 
Cena 7,00 €
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JARL Symptoms Variation / Sensory Deprivation 3CD

Wydawnictwo JARL w barwach Reverse Alignment Info producenta: Erik Jarl is back with his fourth album on Reverse Alignment. Two and a half year has past since "Hypnosis Colour" was released and Jarl is now releasing a 3CD massive work.True to his format, he delivers an album with experimental psychedelic textures combined with his own trademark of...
Cena 19,00 €
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Info od wydawcy:After releasing "An Era of Torment", Cyclic Law caught up with Ajna and published it's latest, and by far, most experimental album "Lucid Intrusion" (Chris F's prime work up to this date).
Cena 12,00 €
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Album projektu HOARFROST w barwach Reverse AlignmentInfo od wydawcy: Anima Mundi - the world soul. Sometimes interpreted as the mythical Gaia or the mother of earth and all it's life and forms. The superorganism of the planet. With their fourth album, Hoarfrost explores the philosophical view of mother earth as the caring ancient goddess and the...
Cena 12,00 €
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Being a part of the alternative scene since more than 15 years past, Magnus Zetterberg's Manifesto has created a trademark of bleak and dark electronica, industrial textures and blackened ambient that satisfies a diverse taste of listening with it's manifold expression. Catching up with this act in 2008, in connection with the release of the album Core,...
Cena 12,00 €
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MOLLUSK 'The Cloud Expedition' CDR

INFO OD WYDAWCY:After two albums from Johan Boberg and Per Åhlund on Reverse Alignment this year we now release Mollusk finale: "The Cloud Expedition". Beginning with the superexperimental meltdown "Aeon Synapses Connect" Johan and Per took the step into the domains of hyperyoga and touched upon the feets of deities in "Astral Mechanics". 
Cena 7,00 €
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SiJ 'The Lost World' CDR

info od wydawcy: Vlad Sikach is returning to Reverse Alignment with a brand new SiJ album. This time with a grand force of collaborative artists such as Vadim Getiuk (Aeternam Nocte), Sergey Gabbasov, Tim Six (Creation VI), Vadim Grin (Dream Twice) and Robert Rich (among others).
Cena 7,00 €
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SiJ 'Vale of Forgotten Sounds' CDR

info od wydawcy Since Sij was created 2011, Vladislav Sikach and his companion Alena Perepadya seem to have no end to their everflowing creativity. Their both kind of expression seem to grasp many and doubtless, there's a vein of artistry that need an outcome to a wider audience. 
Cena 7,00 €
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