M.B. [Maurizio Bianchi] / BAD SECTOR / SIGILLUM S 'Endometrio / Endometrio De-Composto' 2CD

M.B. [Maurizio Bianchi] / BAD SECTOR / SIGILLUM S 'Endometrio / Endometrio De-Composto' 2CD

Info od wydawcy: Verso la fine del 1982, stavo vivendo un momento di stasi creativa, e per non correre il rischio di ripetermi con sterili secrezioni modulari, mi venne un'idea arteriosa: filtrare antiche mie registrazioni attraverso l'ausilio di una mucotica echo.machine Aiwa, e cosi mi accinsi ad elaborare i suoni, trasformandoli in qualcosa di completamente inedito, cosi coniai il termine "musica bionica", composta da suoni concreti riciclati con irrorazioni elettroniche… 
E come tema predominante usai il sincretismo medicale per appurare la sintesi del fisiologico con l'innaturale. 
Cosi nacque la cavità sperimentale di "ENDOMETRIO". - MAURIZIO BIANCHI

17,00 €
5 dni roboczych

M.B. [Maurizio Bianchi] / BAD SECTOR / SIGILLUM S 'Endometrio / Endometrio De-Composto' 2CD

Info od wydawcy:

Verso la fine del 1982, stavo vivendo un momento di stasi creativa, e per non correre il rischio di ripetermi con sterili secrezioni modulari, mi venne un'idea arteriosa: filtrare antiche mie registrazioni attraverso l'ausilio di una mucotica echo.machine Aiwa, e cosi mi accinsi ad elaborare i suoni, trasformandoli in qualcosa di completamente inedito, cosi coniai il termine "musica bionica", composta da suoni concreti riciclati con irrorazioni elettroniche…
E come tema predominante usai il sincretismo medicale per appurare la sintesi del fisiologico con l'innaturale.
Cosi nacque la cavità sperimentale di "ENDOMETRIO". - MAURIZIO BIANCHI
Towards the end of 1982, I was living a moment of creative stagnation, and for avoid the risk of repeating myself with sterile modular secrations, I had an arterial idea: filering ancient recordings of mine through the aid of an Aiwa mucus echo machine , and so I set to process the sounds, transforming them into something completely new, so I coined the term "bionic music", composed by concrete sounds recycled with electronic spraying… And as main theme I used the medical syncretism to ascertain the synthesis of physiological with unnatural. Thus was born the experimental cavity of "ENDOMETRIO". - MAURIZIO BIANCHI

After the re-mastered and De-Composed re-edition of "S.F.A.G.", OEC is proud to affer a new re-edition of another seminal and innovative album by the MB of the very first era.
This is one of the first chapters in the Industrial movment. "Endometrio" was first released in 1982 by MB and is one of the first and seminal albums of the Industrial movment de-composed and self-released by Maurizio Bianchi.
This new re-edition was completely remastered and is offering a second CD with 2 re-mixes of the original tracks made by two primer Italian projects of the Industrial and Experimental-Ambient scene. A milestone which can finally be heard with best sound standards but with the old spirit of his original roots.
And re-listen it in the "de-composed" versions by BAD SECTOR and SIGILLUM S, two primer projects of the Italian Industrial and Dark scene.

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