IUGULA-THOR / SUCTION MELENA - All Dreams are Only Self Facials CD

Power-Noise, Extreme-Sex...

Info od wydawcy:Collaborative release by a dangerous Italian friends trio. IUGULA-THOR: the Italian Industrial / Power-Electronic monster born from the minds of Andrea Chiaravalli and Paolo Bandera (Sigillum S / Sshe Retina Stimulants) in the early 90es. SUCTION MELENA: The other harsh face of Giovanni Mori, the new man in the Italian Harsh Power-Electronics. 

12,00 €
5 dni roboczych

Info od wydawcy:Collaborative release by a dangerous Italian friends trio. IUGULA-THOR: the Italian Industrial / Power-Electronic monster born from the minds of Andrea Chiaravalli and Paolo Bandera (Sigillum S / Sshe Retina Stimulants) in the early 90es. SUCTION MELENA: The other harsh face of Giovanni Mori, the new man in the Italian Harsh Power-Electronics.
This is sharp and uncompromising Hard Power-Electronics in pure Italian-Style.
Scraping vocals, Analogic Power-Noise, Extreme-Sex... All the basic ingredients are served.

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