info wydawcy: The new album of one of the oldest Russian dark-ambient projects Lunar Abyss Deus Organum is a collection of six sonic pictures of the world of thundra-yoga. Each composition is like a complex multidimentional mosaic build of layered sounds of completely different nature: field recordings, samples, synthesizers, singing, tape noises, etc. These layers not just sound along, but slowly and relentlessly create a slowly twisting deep sonic spiral, stretching listener's attention out to several directions at once. Hallucinatory ambient of double dosage.
LUNAR ABYSS DEUS ORGANUM oraz NEZNAMO na wspólnym wydawnictwie.
info producenta: Dendralepsya - ability to suddenly turn into a tree. Assume you're sitting home, having a dinner with relatives and all of a sudden you're all covered with branches, most often coniferous - this is it
An incredibly deep multilayered Drone Ambient with plenty of colorful patterns. A dense self-observing stream, that takes away all the dependences and rushing through an endless self-similar spheres. Mastered by Kshatriy. Full-colored six-panel envelope Vresnit & Vetvei Art.