Winylowa edycja albumy Konrada Krafta z Auf Abwegen..

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Winylowa edycja albumy Konrada Krafta z Auf Abwegen..

info producenta:On “Quadrat”: Quadrat is the title of Konrad Kraft’s (aka Detlef Funder) newest album, this time released on 12“ vinyl. On some ways this album constitutes a kind of continuation of his previous work, which started with Temporary Audiosculptures. A sound manifestation of imaginary, sculptural and graphic structures. Like before, the production concentrates, in a more diffused way than in his previous album, on adding compositorial characteristics to graphic-geometric structures. The result is a formal Grammatik of complex sound structures existing of wanted and indeed unwanted sounds and improvised moments. Fragmentary passages join homogeneous ones, spatial agglomerations follow cut-ups, acoustic adhesion meets simmering hotspots.Quadrat is clearly more poetical than his last album. Reduction and occasional use of minimalistic tonality and rhythm are in the forefront, and invite for sound excursions.The dogmatic choice of electronic sound production as well as the extreme manipulation of field recordings, allows for the formation of an abstract electronic parallel world. A limited edition of 10 albums containing line drawings by Detlef Funder in the format of a square LP is also available (Quadrat 1 – 10).

Text: Kirsch

Auf Abwegen

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