Tribute dla legendy rosyjskiej sceny drone / ambient z udziałem wyjątkowych artystów.
info od wydawcy: REUTOFF Tribute compilation! For those (few) who don't know Reutoff : they are one of the more prominent and intriguing Russian Post-Industrial Ambient projects. The album, celebrating the bands 16th anniversary, consists of remixes and cover versions on original Reutoff tracks, made by bands / projects / friends, whose music has always been close to the band. Most of the contributors created their tracks using original Reutoff material, some of them were just inspired by Reutoff's music, others tuned in with their own sound and the track with Deutsch Nepal is an entirely team-work piece.
The "Eidolon essence" is a reflection: there was a time, when we absorbed, we were imbued with the images of the Tribute participants. Their music and their impressions on their own epiphanies were interpreted in our music. Now it's their turn, we came to full circle and the phantoms are granted with new lives. We are grateful to every each and one of you, you did your best. A special thank you goes out to Oleg Pashchenko for the Cover Art. His flair is as brilliant as is his genius>
1. ATRIUM CARCERI : Capacity to Kill 2. DESIDERII MARGINIS : Hypnerotomachia 3. FLINT GLASS : Tunnels in the Dark 4. EMPUSAE : La meno Ma Mento 5. SAL SOLARIS : Never Touch the Xyu 6. ANTLERS MULM : Schlaf-Hello Sleeper 7. WERMUT : Winter 1998 8. DEUTSCH NEPAL / REUTOFF : The Flame 9. SVARTSINN : Dies Irae 10. ОЦЕПЕÐЕВШИЕ (OTZEPENEVSHIYE) : Moss 11. TROUM : Regennon Re- Generated 12. CISFINITUM : Last Train to Reutoff
‘Dreaming Muzak’ to pierwszy materiał duetu TROUM, opublikowany najpierw w 1998 roku na kasecie magnetofonowej, a wznowiony w 2006 roku wyłącznie na płycie CDr w ściśle limitowanym nakładzie 100 szt. Najnowsza wersja....
Ze szwedzkiego potopu ambientowych projektów z lat 90-tych poprzedniego wieku, Desiderii Marginis jest jednym z nielicznych wciąż aktywnych i zdecydowanie jednym z najlepszych pośród tych nielicznych. Nie chcąc być typowym projektem w stylu Briana Eno/Lustmord, Johan Levin, mózg projektu Desiderii Marginis, stworzył i rozwija swoja unikatową paletę...
Info od wydawcyRemastered recording from the live performance held on November 24, 2005 at Saint Peter's Cathedral in Bremen. A meditative composition of radiant drones in the best tradition of Cisfinitum's works.
info od wydawcy:A live recording made in the "P!PL" club in Moscow on February 9th, 2015 when Cisfinitum shared the stage with Nadja and Earth. For this night they prepared a special program with previously unreleased and most likely never-to-be released tracks which makes is truly unique. Despite the fact that the project is mostly known for its dark...
Kolaboracyjny albym Reutoff oraz Deutsch Nepal. CD z katalogu Entartete Musikk.Info od wydawcy: The Bubblegum Industrial Revolution continues at Entartete Musikk with a co-operational album featuring the legendary Reutoff and Deutsch Nepal. The music have been under construction for 10 years so expect a real longtime refined product with a taste of...
Kompilacja to wynik współpracy Petera Anderssona, który zaprosił zaprzyjaźnionych muzyków, aby Ci zarejestrowali swoje utwory na podstawie dostarczonych przez niego fragmentów, strzępów kawałków oraz banków brzmień. Wśród zaproszonych znaleźl się: Horse give Birth to Fly, Brighter Death Now, Trepaneringsritualen, Raison D'être, Reutoff, Morthound, Deutsch...
Info od wydawcy: Gute Nacht Berlin (Good Night, Berlin) is the 3rd release on the HauRuck! label from this Russian band. Reutoff follows the ritual electronic side of their last limited CD „Unseen ritual“ by once again offering melodic and well-arranged soundscapes far away from clichés, while always maintaining that special „Reutoff-touch.“ Released 5th...
10" vinyl prosto z Drone. Jedno z ciekawszych objawień sceny rosyjskiej ostatnich lat!Info od wydawcy:DEVOTIO uses monumental bell-sounds that build complex overlappings & hypnotic drone-waves in various layers, dissolving into pure vibrations. To us It sounds like a journey into the heart of the sacral, pointing at a sphere of transcendence where all...