PHALLUS DEI 'Black Dawn' 2LP
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Nowy album Phallus Dei przy okazji ich 25-lecia.
Nagrany z gośćmi wśród których znaleźli się Merzbow, Peter Brötzmann, Niels van Hoorn oraz Jacqueline Hamelink.
Info od wydawcy:
Phallus Dei (one of the most important German industrial & darkwave project of the 90s!!) are celebrating their 25th anniversary with the new album Black Dawn. Combining industrial guitar drones with minimal music, Phallus Dei's signature elements melt together creating a repetitive, orchestral wall of sound on what is definitely their heaviest, deepest album ever. Featuring guest performances by Merzbow, Peter Brötzmann, Niels van Hoorn and Jacqueline Hamelink .
karta przedsiębiorstwa
- LP