Edycja CD w digipacku wznowiona przez Klanggalerie.
Info od wydawcy: C Cat Trance were formed by multi instrumentalist John Rees Lewis after his departure from Medium Medium, taking the band's drummer Nigel Kingston Stone with him. The band are seen as members of the post-punk movement, but that's not all that is to say about their sound. C Cat Trance incorporated ethnic music into their compositions before world music became a popular genre. Their influences come mainly from Northern Africa and the Middle East. A lot of people have played with the band, creating a unique mix of pop, new wave, club and world music. Play Masenko Combo was the band's fourth and last album, originally released on Ink Records in 1987. For this re-issue, we have added rare tracks and the remaster was once more created by Martin Bowes of Attrition.
To już czwarte wydawnictwo Rapoona pod skrzydłami Zoharum. Tym razem to prawdziwy smakołyk.Podwójny album, którym wspólnie świętujemy 20-lecie wydania "Vernal Crossing", trzeciej płyty Robina Storeya. Ale to nie jest zwykła reedycja-artysta jeszcze raz podszedł do tych nagrań i zaadoptował je pod XXI wiek. Stąd też wziął się tytuł tego wydawnictwa,gdyż...
Info od wydawcy:Eric Random is a key figure in the early Eighties music scene in Manchester that evolved around the Buzzcock’s New Hormones label and later around Cabaret Voltaire’s Doublevision. Time-Splice was recorded from 1982 to 1984 and came out on the Cabs’ label in 1984.
Rok 2019 to bardzo pracowity czas dla duetu NNHMN, wydali oni bowiem aż trzy albumy – każdy z nich ilustrowany autorskim video. Pierwszy eksperymentalno – ambientowy –„Second Castle’’ (k-dreams records), drugi post-techniczy – „Church of no Religion’’ (Zoharum) i oraz ostatni w stylu synth-darkwave „Shadow in the Dark’’ (Oraculo Records/Zoharum).
Wydanie z Klanggalerie. CD w digipacku.
Start of a reissue programme for this excellent UK band. C Cat Trance were formed by multi instrumentalist John Rees Lewis after his departure from Medium Medium, taking the band's drummer Nigel Kingston Stone with him. The band are seen as members of the post-punk movement, but that's not all that is to say about...
Lee i Michal Laudarg, czyli NNHMN powracają do Zoharum z "Deception Island" CD-kiem będącym kompilacją utworów, które wcześniej znalazły się na 2 winylowych EP-kach o tym samym tytule wydanych w hiszpańskim labelu Oráculo Records.