JOE COLLEY - Acting As If 10"

10" publikacja z Drone.

16,00 €
5 dni roboczych

10" publikacja z Drone.

Info od wydawcy: It's over 30 minutes of very best new COLLEY material! => through these strangeness drones, the mind is thrown inside an unrecognizable and confusing realm of broken electricity and something like audible-made atmospheric pressure... - "His swarming masses, throttled rumbling, and smoldering tension are all encircling and folding in on themselves. Rhizomes of sound that speak poison. Drink up, if it doesn't kill you, it will only make you stronger." [Jim Haynes] - lim. 300 with artwork by MEEUW, special silver print on reverse board, out NOW 30.12.2022

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