Francisco Lopez - Dynamo CD
CD edition released by Unexplained Group.
CD released by Unexplained Sounds Group.
Dynamo is a large-scale suspended artwork specifically developed for the atrium of the Spanish Pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020. Created by Daniel Canogar in collaboration with composer / audio-artist Francisco López, and produced in cooperation with the Spanish Agency for the Promotion of Cultural Projects –AC/E, the artwork is composed of sculptural screens that form three interlaced loops. Surrounding the artwork is a spiralling ramp that descends to the lower level of the atrium and allows the public to contemplate the artwork from multiple vantage points. Built-in inside the walls at the upper level of the atrium there is a large-scale, multi-channel sound system arranged in a ring of sixteen concealed speakers that project sound into the space, in ever-changing sonic combinations triggered by the visual patterns from the screens. The public can interact with the sculptural screens via an interactive system built into the ramp’s handrail: hands placed under the handrail’s sensors translate into animated sparks on the screens. The more the public activates the sensors, the more vibrant Dynamo’s visual and sonic content becomes. Mimicking the workings of an electromagnetic dynamo, the artwork eventually collects enough energy to generate a thundering experience that resonates through the atrium. This moment captures the intense roar of so many machines of the past echoing through our modern history –technologies that we behold with a mixture of fear and fascination. The ecstatic discharge is followed by a calmer phase evocative of the circulatory systems of living entities. This quieter mode gives way to a new cycle of gradual build-up, through an iterative repeating process of “collect and release” that is so much part of energy systems both biological and technological.
Dynamo is a meditation on the circulatory nature of energy and the synchronization of biological and technological systems. It is also an invitation for us to imagine and participate in the dynamos that will energize our future.
Studio Daniel Canogar: Daniel Canogar, Artist; Diego Mellado, Project Manager; Diogo Queirós, Developer; Ana Saracho, Production; Ana Bazán, Production; Jorge Anguita, Artistic Production; Iván Hernández, Technician; Aída Navarro, Architect; Marta Galindo, Communication.
Andoni Trecet & Aitor Hijar, ALFA Arte; Darien Brito, Programmer; André Almeida & tarquino Mota, Artica; César Saracho, Engineer; Alberto de Juan, Galería Max Estrella; Raül Estrada, NNConcept.
Spanish Pavilion: Acción Cultural Española, Temperaturas Extremas, Empty.
(c) (sound composition) francisco lópez 2021 –
Dynamo [original soundtrack]:
Created at ‘mobile messor’ (Los Angeles, Den Haag, Reykjavik, Dubai), 2020-2021.
Edited and mastered at ‘Hundred Islands Studios’ (Rosclave enclave), 2022.