"Dreaming Muzak" is the first full-length material od TROUM duo originally released on tape in 1998 and later re-released on a limited CDR (100 copies only) in 2005. This edition is the first one on a regular CD. The material was thoroughly remastered by Łukasz Miernik (who is also responsible for the sound of the previous MAEROR TRI reissues on...
'Monochrome' is a eulogy to Dmitry Vasiliev, a music enlightener, a label owner, a journalist, an ardent devotee of experimental music. Initially the composer Eugene Voronovsky conceived 'Monochrome' as a futuristic 'hi-res' mass, an alchemical fusion of angelic chorales and dub techno pulsations. A dream-like transparency of the material is deceptive in...
A compilation of modern music of the world. The finest selection of industrial artists doing their utmost in their war against silence. With the infamous Lina Baby Doll as curator aswell as composer of the thematic rawmaterial forwarded to the musicians given free hands to their estetic decisions, we can guarantee there have been a thorough preparation...
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