Saul Stokes 'radiate' CD

Info od wydawcy: 
Saul Stokes (USA) is a ambient-electronic artist with a number of highly regarded albums to his credit, and a very distinctive sound derived from his hand-forged electronics. Radiate is a startlingly bright and beautiful album, with sonic washes both warm and experimental. It also offers newcomers their best glimpse at the two modes of Stokes's work , willful improvisation and chilled ambient-techno.

10,00 €
5 dni roboczych

100% bezpieczne płatności

Info od wydawcy:
Saul Stokes (USA) is a ambient-electronic artist with a number of highly regarded albums to his credit, and a very distinctive sound derived from his hand-forged electronics. Radiate is a startlingly bright and beautiful album, with sonic washes both warm and experimental. It also offers newcomers their best glimpse at the two modes of Stokes's work , willful improvisation and chilled ambient-techno.

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