Capricorni Pneumatici - Nibbas CD

CD opubblikowane przez Eight Tower (sublabel Unexplained Sounds Group).

12,00 €
5 dni roboczych

CD opubblikowane przez Eight Tower (sublabel of Unexplained Sounds Group).

Info od wydawcy: Eighth Tower Records re-discovers by a cd publication the cult 1989 tape cassette "Nibbas" by Capricorni Pneumatici. They took their name from the Aleister Crowley "Liber A' ASH vel Capricorni Pneumatici SUB FIGURA CCCVII", and between 1987 and 1991 were one of the most active projects of the esoteric/industrial Italian underground.

All tracks composed and performed by Capricorni Pneumatici
Recordings and mixing 1988 - 1989
Cover design by CPS

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