LULLABIER - Mono/Stereo CD

CD wydane przez włoski Silentes.

12,00 €
5 dni roboczych

100% bezpieczne płatności
Gdzieś pomiędzy post-rockiem, dream popem a melancholijną włoską nową falą. ...
info producenta: Mono / Stereo is a concept album in which the polar concepts of isolation and sharing constantly follow one another. Featuring a more acoustic focus compared to Lullabier's previous releases, it takes slowcore and dream-pop, and tunes them to a more intimate kind of songwriting. Folk-infused arrangements and minimalist structures flow throughout the album, guiding the listener across nostalgic, contemplative and even spectral feelings.
Featuring Edgardo Moia Cellerino of LE MASQUE, who lends his voice to the track Soliloquio, this work represents the 'state of the art' of the LULLABIER project.

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