PHILIP SANDERSON - Underneath The Underneath - A Vienna Souvenir CD

Album Eisgang pierwotnie wydany w Korm Plastics w1995 roku jako limitowane wydanie na plycie winylowej, następnie ukazal się w pakiecie razem z "Dämmerattacke". 

12,00 €
5 dni roboczych

Edycja CD opublikowana przez Klanggalerie.

Info od wydawcy:P hilip Sanderson first started releasing music as part of Storm Bugs in the late 1970s as captured on the A Safe Substitute CD (Klang gg378). He also set up his own Snatch Tapes cassette label releasing music by David Jackman and Alien Brains amongst others. Reviews in the Wire magazine of the instrumental tracks described them as being akin to “a boiling vat of electronic music that occasionally sounds like the work of a mad scientist”, whilst the songs have a “flavour of what Kevin Ayers might cook up if he were alive and forced to work with the Residents”. Philip has also released music under the names of Claire Thomas & Susan Vezey, Ice Yacht, Maids Of The Marsh and Vote Police. In summer 2023, Philip played one of his very rare concerts at the Klang 30 festival in Vienna, Austria. This album presents you the music played at the gig, plus music that was influenced by or created in Vienna while his stay. 


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