OTHILA - Titouan 7"

7" krążek projekttu Othila opublikowany przez Divine Comedy.

7,32 €
5 dni roboczych

7" krążek projekttu Othila opublikowany przez Divine Comedy.

Info od wydawcy: Othila is the last rune of the ancient Futhark, the rune of accomplishment. The rune under where the clans and the families find themselves. The rune which symbolizes the legacy from our Fathers. Othila is the light after a long and hard inner travel. Othila is the aim they've fixed themselves, trying to live in harmony with the environment, nature and human beings, with wisdom and humility. Musically, Othila is John Doe and Lionel G. Their music wants to be an ode to our Mother Nature and to the old Celtic & Nordic cultures... Nothing else ! After 2 albums, "Elements" and "Continents" a MCD, and a 10" Yula, Othila after 6 years of silence is back with 2 new tracks on a wonderful 7" picture disc. Celtic ambient close to Valhalla Rising atmosphere.

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